Mom Who Kicked Her Kids Out When They Turned 18

Family dynamics can be complicated, and the relationship between a parent and child is often the most complex of all. In a recent Reddit post, one young woman shared her heartbreaking story of having to turn away her abusive mother who had fallen on hard times.

This article delves into the nuances of this delicate situation and explores the difficult choices she had to make. The poster revealed that her relationship with her mother has never been great, stemming from her mother’s refusal to work even when the family was older.

This led to constant arguments between her parents, ultimately culminating in their divorce. After remarrying almost instantly, the mother relied on her much older husband, who passed away last year, leaving everything to his adult children and little to the mother.

After the death of her second husband, the mother moved in with the poster’s brother and his wife, under the premise of helping to care for their children. However, this arrangement quickly fell apart, as the mother was “extremely mean” to the sister-in-law, tried to run the household, and refused to fulfill her agreed-upon childcare duties.

The situation escalated, with the mother even causing physical disturbances to the children, including leaving diapers unchanged for hours. Knowing the kind of treatment she received from her mother as a child, and the experience her brother shared, the poster knew that allowing her mother to move in would not work out. She recalls her mother’s previous words, “adult children should never live with their parents,” which ironically now applied to her own situation.

When the poster broke the news to her mother that she would not be allowed to move in, the mother had a meltdown, crying that she had “nowhere to go” and accusing the poster of not “providing” for her in a time of need. The poster reminded her mother that it was her responsibility as a parent to provide, not the other way around, and that her mother should do what everyone else does – work and rent a room.

Commenters urged the poster to distance herself from her mother, as her mother had done nothing to deserve a place in her life. The poster grappled with the reality of turning her mother away, knowing that her mother had never provided her with a sense of safety, comfort, or understanding during the most vulnerable time in her life.

This heartbreaking story highlights the complex and often painful dynamics that can exist within families. The poster’s difficult decision to turn away her abusive mother, despite the societal pressure to provide support, is a testament to her own self-preservation and the importance of prioritizing one’s mental and emotional well-being. This article serves as a reminder that family ties do not always mean unconditional love and support, and that sometimes, the healthiest choice is to create boundaries and distance oneself from toxic relationships.