A woman with record-breaking lips sets her sights on a new beauty goal.

Andrea Ivanova, a Bulgarian woman who holds the Guinness World Record for having the biggest lips, has stated that she wants to get the biggest cheekbones in the world.

Ivanova, who is 25, first got attention in 2020 when she spent £8,000 to make her lips four times bigger. Doctors have told Ivanova that getting more lip fillers could be fatal, but she has continued to get treatments done to improve her looks.

Ivanova recently wrote on Instagram that she wants to get even bigger cheeks. She said that she has already had four hyaluronic acid injections and plans to have two more within the next week.

That Ivanova wants her cheeks to be bigger is just the latest in a long line of procedures she has had to look better. She has had over 34 injections to improve her looks so far, such as lip fillers and cheekbone improvements.

Ivanova is still determined to reach her beauty goals, even though they come with risks. It has been said that she wants to keep getting bigger lips and cheeks and is ready to have regular procedures to do so.

Ivanova’s doctors have told her that getting more lip fillers could be bad for her health, but she is still determined to look her best. Even though her family doesn’t like her new look, Ivanova is determined to become beautiful.

Ivanova’s desire to be beautiful is her own choice, and she is ready to defend it if anyone criticizes her. She feels that everyone should be able to choose how they look without worrying about what other people will think or say.